I recently had the chance to work collaboratively with a wonderful group of women from WISE; a network founded by...
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Navigating Menopause in School
I recently had the chance to work collaboratively with a wonderful group of women from WISE; a network founded by...
Assessment for Learning (AfL) Strategies
Assessment for Learning (AfL) is an approach integrated into teaching and learning that focuses on creating meaningful feedback for both...
Metacognition: Creating Reflective Learners
Metacognition. It’s a concept that’s been around for years, and chances are, you’re already doing much of it (even without...
Effective Do Now Tasks
Engaging students from the moment they enter the classroom is essential for creating a productive and focusesd learning environment. Do...
Writing Lesson Objectives
Every successful lesson begins with one crucial element: clear lesson objectives. Objectives are the starting point for planning, shaping the...
Feedback Literacy
Feedback literacy is a vital skill for both students and teachers. It focuses on the ability to understand, interpret, and...
Dual Coding
What is Dual Coding? Dual coding is a learning theory that suggests students can better understand and retain information when...
Considering Teaching in an International School?
It wasn't until my seventh year of teaching that I realised that moving abroad and teaching internationally was a very...
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